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Who doesn’t love peppermint bark during the holidays? But white chocolate lovers often get left out. Not anymore!The combination of Merckens creamy white chocolate...
Our basic hard candy recipe is a tried and true stove top recipe that makes it fun and easy to make lollipops and hard...
Mason jar cookies with clear see-through candy, this isn’t some kind of sorcery or magic, it's isomalt and we’re going to show you...
Love Peppermint Patties? You'll love them more when you make homemade Peppermint Patty Candy Filling!There is nothing better than the taste of homemade peppermint...
This Peanut Butter Candy Filling is smooth and creamy. This peanut butter filling is great for making peanut butter cups, peanut butter eggs, or...
Microwave Hard Candy is easy to make and you don't need a candy thermometer! Have you ever wanted to make hard candy, but feel...
Mason Jars and Flowers Oh My!Easy Mason Jar and Flower Sugar Cookies arranged on a platter will make the perfect gift or centerpiece for...
If you’re new to cake decorating or just getting into the world of sugar pastes, you’re probably wondering, what is the difference between fondant...
Sure, decorating cookies with royal icing has a place in our hearts, but if you’re looking for a quick and fun way to decorate...